
Fall Ahead…Take Back the Spring!

It’s that time of year…when the Minnesota State Fair ends and the kids go back to school. With the cooler weather filling the air, you may be looking forward to hunkering down and settling in for the winter.


If you’re looking to put your home up for sale next spring, start to prepare now. Why wait until that last snow is melting and fresh spring invites you outside. “Spring Cleaning?” HA

Don’t look around your home and get overwhelmed.

You may be thinking, “Where do i even begin?”

When you’re stuck inside on those frigid snow days, commit yourself to cleaning out a drawer. Organize a closet. Refold your towels and sheets in the linen closet. Soon, you’ll realize you are doing more and more everyday.

Come springtime, your home will be organized and ready to pack. You can get outside and enjoy the warming spring weather. Things will go smoother, and you can then calmly prepare for your home staging!

Final Thought…


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